Jharkhand Weather Update

Due to continuous changes in rainfall and weather, the scorching heat of May in Jharkhand has provided relief to the people. This year, the maximum temperature has dropped six to seven degrees compared to last year, and the daytime heat has reduced. The weather department predicts that this trend of changing weather will continue for the next five days.

Expected Rainfall and Temperature Changes

With strong winds, rainfall is expected to bring further relief from the heat. However, there will not be much variation in Palamu, with a decrease of two to three degrees in temperature. Currently, the maximum temperature in the state is two to three degrees below normal. Last year on May 23, the highest maximum temperature was recorded at 44.9 degrees.

Weather Patterns and Impact

A trough line has formed from southern Rajasthan to Jharkhand, bringing continuous southwest winds instead of the usual western hot winds. This has led to an increase in humidity and changing weather as the heat rises. Additionally, a low-pressure area is forming in the Bay of Bengal, indicating the possibility of further rainfall in the region.

Weather Forecast and Expert Opinion

According to meteorologist Abhishek Anand, there have been consistent weather changes in May this year, resulting in a decrease in temperature due to rainfall. Last year, such widespread weather changes were not observed, leading to intense heat. The weather department predicts varied rainfall in different parts of Jharkhand, with some areas experiencing cooler temperatures while others receiving significant rainfall.

झारखंड में बारिश और मौसम में लगातार बदलाव के कारण मई की भीषण गर्मी से लोगों को राहत मिली है। तापमान में छह से सात डिग्री की कमी हो गई है और गर्मी में भी कमी आई है। राज्य में अगले पांच दिनों तक बदलते मौसम की संभावना है। वैज्ञानिकों के अनुसार खाड़ी में एक निम्न दबाव क्षेत्र बनने की प्रक्रिया शुरू हो गई है जिससे बारिश की संभावना है। इस साल का मौसम पिछले साल की तुलना में बेहतर है।

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