Wednesday, 15th May

The weather on Wednesday, 15th May is clear with partial clouds. It will remain dry throughout the day. The sun will shine with a minimum temperature of 26 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 39 degrees Celsius. The wind is blowing at a speed of 3 kilometers per hour with a humidity of 74%. The sunrise was at 5:30 AM and the sunset is expected to be at 6:21 PM. The Air Quality Index is 151.

Thursday, 16th May

Thursday, 16th May will have partial clouds with sunshine. The weather will remain dry with a minimum temperature of 26 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 39 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, Friday is expected to have a minimum temperature of 27 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius. There will be partial clouds throughout the day with dry weather and sunshine.

Saturday, 18th May

Saturday, 18th May will have partial clouds with the sun shining and dry weather. The minimum temperature will be 28 degrees Celsius and the maximum can reach up to 42 degrees Celsius. Similarly, Sunday, 19th May will have partial clouds with dry weather. Monday, 20th May is expected to have partial clouds and a possibility of rainfall as indicated by the weather department.

बुधवार 15 मई को मौसम साफ है लेकिन आंशिक बादल भी है, धूप खिलेगी और तापमान 26 से 39 डिग्री सेल्सियस के बीच रहेगा। हवा 3 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा की रफ्तार में बह रही है। गुरुवार 16 मई को भी धूप खिलेगी, मौसम शुष्क रहेगा और तापमान 26-39 डिग्री सेल्सियस के बीच होगा। शुक्रवार को भी धूप खिलेगी और तापमान 27-40 डिग्री सेल्सियस के बीच रहेगा। शनिवार को भी आंशिक बादल रहेंगे और तापमान 28-42 डिग्री सेल्सियस के बीच होगा। रविवार को भी आंशिक बादल रहेंगे और मौसम शुष्क रहेगा। सोमवार को बूंदाबांदी होने की संभावना है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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