Woman runs away with lover leaving husband and child behind

In a shocking incident in Jamui district of Bihar, a 30-year-old woman ran away for the second time with her lover, leaving her husband and child behind. The helpless husband is now wandering with his 10-year-old child. Earlier in January this year, the woman had eloped with her lover, leaving her child with her in-laws.

Woman surrenders in court, runs away with lover again

According to reports, Shankar Ram’s wife Nutan Devi had eloped with her lover Vishal in January, taking her child with her. Three days before surrendering in court, Nutan Devi had fled with Vishal again after leaving her husband and child behind. The case was filed in the Chandradeep police station area.

Husband seeks justice with child after wife’s departure

After Nutan Devi ran away with her lover Vishal, Shankar Ram returned from Jalandhar to find his wife missing. He filed a case in the Chandradeep police station after learning about his wife’s affair. Due to police pressure, Nutan Devi surrendered in court on May 7, but she escaped again with her lover, leaving her husband and child behind.

जमुई, बिहार के जिले में एक महिला ने अपने पति और बच्चे को छोड़कर दूसरी बार प्रेमी के साथ भाग लिया। महिला कोर्ट में सरेंडर करने के बाद फिर से चकमा दे फरार हो गई। इस घटना से पति परेशान है और बच्चे के साथ अकेले परेशानी में हैं। इस मामले में चंद्रदीप थाना में केस दर्ज किया गया है। अब पुलिस महिला की तलाश में है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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