Ashish Kumar/Paschim Champaran: Everyone knows about the medicinal properties of turmeric. But have you ever heard of wild turmeric, also known as forest turmeric, kasturi manjal, and byadgi? If not, let us provide you with complete information about the uses and medicinal properties of this special species of turmeric.

Wild turmeric is an important part of Ayurvedic traditions. It is believed to provide various medicinal benefits, such as increasing physical energy, reducing gas, improving skin complexion, enhancing digestion, regulating menstrual cycle, eliminating gallstones, and providing relief from arthritis. Scientifically known as Curcuma aromatica and kasturi manjal in Hindi, this powerful herb is filled with miraculous properties.

Anti-inflammatory properties: According to Ayurvedic expert Bhuvanesh Pandey from Patanjali, wild turmeric contains abundant antioxidant properties, making it an effective remedy for cough and throat irritation. You can consume a pinch of wild turmeric mixed in boiled water twice a day. Moreover, wild turmeric slows down the growth and development of tumor cells, reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases and assisting in the treatment of diabetes by controlling sugar levels.

Liver support: Wild turmeric is a valuable ingredient that can protect the liver from damage caused by carbon tetrachloride. It also provides protection to the kidneys, heart, and brain. This herbal remedy is highly effective in the treatment of various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, dementia, and Huntington’s disease.

Relief from arthritis: With its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties, wild turmeric provides relief from swelling and pain. Its beneficial components help arthritis patients by reducing inflammation and providing relief from both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It can be consumed as a spice, added to tea, or applied as a paste.

Skin benefits: The use of fragrant herbs has been a part of natural beauty remedies in India for centuries. Wild turmeric is known for solving various skin problems, preventing acne, evening out skin tone, eliminating oily skin, and slowing down the aging process. It can even remove facial hair. Please note that the advice given in this article is based on discussions with our experts and provides general information, not personal recommendations. Each individual’s needs are different, so it is important to consult with doctors before using any product.

Please note that the Local-18 team will not be held responsible for any damages caused by the use of any mentioned remedies or medications.

आशीष कुमार या पश्चिम चम्पारण के बारे में हल्दी और उसके औषधीय गुणों के बारे में बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं। यह जंगली हल्दी वन हल्दी, कस्तूरी मंजल और ब्याधा के नाम से भी जानी जाती है और आयुर्वेदिक परंपराओं का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। इसके औषधीय गुणों में शारीरिक ऊर्जा को बढ़ाना, गैस को कम करना, त्वचा को निखारना, पाचन को बढ़ाना, मासिक धर्म को नियंत्रित करना, पित्त पथरी को दूर करना और गठिया से राहत देना शामिल है। इसके अलावा, जंगली हल्दी कई रोगों के इलाज में भी मदद करती है, जैसे खांसी और गले की खराश, ट्यूमर कोशिकाओं की वृद्धि और विकास को धीमा करना, मधुमेह के इलाज में मदद करना, लीवर, किडनी, हृदय और मस्तिष्क की रक्षा करना, गठिया में मदद करना और त्वचा की समस्याओं का समाधान करना। इसलिए, जंगली हल्दी का उपयोग करके हम अपनी सेहत को बेहतर बना सकते हैं।

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