Munger: A woman in the Bhaiya Ram Tola area of the Havelli Khadagpur police station in Munger, Bihar, committed suicide by hanging herself at home on Friday night after getting frustrated with her husband. The incident was reported to the family of the deceased by people in the vicinity. As soon as the information about the incident was received, the family of the deceased, who reside in Rahimapur Kumarchak in Khagaria, informed the police. Upon receiving the information, the Khadagpur police station in-charge, Dharmendra Kumar, arrived at the scene with the armed forces. The deceased has been identified as Kajal Kumari.
Accusation of murder on the son-in-law: The family of the deceased has accused the son-in-law of murder. They claim that the husband and wife had frequent arguments, which led to the woman taking such a drastic step. The police have initiated an investigation into the matter and are questioning the son-in-law to gather more information about the incident.
Identification of the deceased: The deceased has been identified as Kajal Kumari. Her family members were informed about the incident, and they immediately reached the scene. The police have taken the body for post-mortem and are awaiting the results to ascertain the cause of death. The investigation is ongoing, and further details will be revealed once the post-mortem report is available.
Police intervention: The Khadagpur police station in-charge, Dharmendra Kumar, along with the armed forces, reached the scene after receiving information about the incident. The police are conducting a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances that led to the woman’s suicide. They are also questioning the family members and neighbors to gather more information. The police will take appropriate action based on the findings of the investigation.
मुंगेर के हवेली खड़गपुर थाना क्षेत्र के पश्चिम आजीमगंज भैया राम टोला में एक महिला ने अपने पति से तंग आकर शुक्रवार की रात घर में फांसी लगाकर आत्महत्या कर ली। मृतका के परिवार को घटना की जानकारी आस पास के लोगों ने दी। घटना की जानकारी लगते ही मृतका के मायके वाले खगड़िया के रहीमपुर कुमारचक से उसके ससुराल पहुंचे और घटना की जानकारी पुलिस को दी। घटना की जानकारी मिलने के बाद खड़गपुर थानाध्यक्ष ध्रवेंद्र कुमार सशस्त्र बल के साथ पहुंचे और मृतका की पहचान काजल कुमारी के रूप में हुई है। दामाद पर लगाया हत्या का आरोप।