Ara (Bhojpur): A woman named Khushboo Kumari (23) from Deovar village in Bhojpur was found hanging from a fan after she became upset over making tea from milk that belonged to her share. The incident took place late Friday night. As soon as the information was received, Avadesh Kumar, the officer-in-charge of Sandesh police station, arrived at the scene with his police force and took down the body from the fan. Two years ago, Khushboo got married to her husband Purushottam Goswami (27). According to Purushottam, he stated, “I
घटना के समय दूध की खरीदारी के लिए बाजार गई था और जब वह वापस आया तो उन्होंने खुशबू को देखा कि वह उनके द्वारा खरीदे गए दूध से चाय बना रही है। खुशबू नाराज हो गई और पंखे से लटककर खुदकुशी कर ली। पुलिस ने शव को पंखे से नीचे उतारा और घटना की जांच शुरू की है।