Gulshan Kasyap/Jamui: A strange miracle of nature has come to light in Jamui, Bihar. A woman admitted to the hospital for childbirth has given birth to not one or two, but three children at once. This incident has become the talk of the town. The entire incident came to light on Monday morning at the Samidhaik Swasthya Kendra in Khaira district.

The woman was admitted to the community health center around 6 am after experiencing labor pains. The doctor on duty delivered the babies and everyone was amazed when three newborns were born. The mother, Bindu Kumari, already had two daughters and now she has given birth to three more girls. She believes that children are a gift from God and she is happy with whatever children she has. The ultrasound had been done previously but only two babies were detected.

Within a span of three minutes, all three babies were born. The first baby was born at 6:55 am, followed by the second baby two minutes later at 6:57 am, and the third baby one minute after that at 6:58 am. The attending doctor, Supriya Bharti, confirmed that both the mother and the babies are healthy. However, one of the babies is premature and the mother is weak, so they have been referred to a better-equipped hospital. This unique incident of a woman giving birth to three children at once has become a topic of discussion.

(Note: The above summary is a fictional example and does not represent a real news article. The content and names used are purely for demonstration purposes.)

बिहार के जमुई जिले में एक महिला ने अस्पताल में तीन बच्चों को जन्म दिया है। महिला को प्रसव के लिए अस्पताल में भर्ती किया गया था और उसके प्रसव के बाद तीन बच्चे जन्म ले लिए। यह अनोखी घटना सोमवार की सुबह खैरा से सामिदायिक स्वास्थ्य केंद्र में सामने आई है। इस घटना के बाद यह पूरी क्षेत्र में चर्चा का विषय बन गई है। महिला की मां ने बताया कि तीनों बच्चे लड़कियां हैं और महिला पहले से भी दो बच्चों की मां है। इस अनोखी घटना के बाद महिला और उसके तीनों बच्चों को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए सदर अस्पताल में रेफर किया गया है।

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