A woman was cheated in Jehanabad. Sudha Devi, a resident of Babhna village, was targeted by thieves on Saturday. Instead of gold jewelry, the thieves caught the woman with brass jewelry and fled the scene. The police have been informed about the incident and are searching for the suspects.
In fact, the woman had gone to her parental home a few days ago. On Saturday, she was caught by the thieves who replaced her gold jewelry with brass jewelry. The incident has been reported to the police and they are currently investigating the matter.
The incident highlights the need for increased security measures in the area to prevent such crimes. It is important for the police to apprehend the culprits and ensure justice for the victim. Such incidents not only affect the individual involved but also create a sense of fear and insecurity among the community. The police must take swift action to restore confidence in the local residents.
जहानाबाद में एक महिला से ठगी हुई है। ठगों ने सोने की जेवरात की जगह पीतल के जेवरात महिला को पकड़ा कर फरार हो गए हैं। पुलिस आरोपी की तलाश कर रही है।