Wife’s Secret Affair
The incident took place in the Gosaideeh village of Khaira Thana area in Jamui district. A woman’s husband used to work outside while she secretly called her lover to meet at her house. The lover would frequently visit her house without anyone suspecting.
Viral Video on Social Media
One day, when the man visited the woman’s house to meet his married girlfriend, the villagers caught them red-handed and subjected them to physical assault. The incident was recorded on video and has been circulating rapidly on social media platforms. The authenticity of the viral video has not been confirmed, but reports suggest it is around 10 days old.
Courtship and Public Humiliation
The woman, who was seen frequently visiting the court for some work, fell in love with a young man from Malaypur through conversations. Their love blossomed, and the woman continued to call him to her house, taking advantage of her husband’s absence. However, their relationship was exposed by the villagers, leading to a public beating. Although the police were informed, no formal complaints were filed, and the matter was settled without any legal actions.
जमुई जिले के खैरा का गोसाईडीह गांव मामला गर्माने वाला है। एक महिला जिसका पति बाहर रहकर मजदूरी करता था, उसने अपने प्रेमिका को अपने घर बुलाया करती थी। एक दिन जब यह प्रेमी उसके घर पहुंचा, तो ग्रामीणों ने उन्हें पकड़ लिया और जमकर पिटाई कर दी। इस घटना का वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो रहा है। इस मामले में पुलिस को भी सूचना दी गई थी, लेकिन समझौते के बाद मामला दबा दिया गया है। यह घटना लोगों के मनोरंजन का विषय बन गया है।