A young man in Purnia attempted suicide by consuming poison after his father prohibited him from using a mobile phone. The incident took place in the Shishabadi Baitoli area of Kasba on Friday night. The victim, identified as Deepak Kumar (17), was admitted to the Purnia J.M.C.H for immediate medical treatment. His condition is said to be critical.
According to Deepak’s father, Umesh Kumar, he had forbidden his son from using a mobile phone, which led to the extreme step taken by Deepak. Concerned family members rushed him to the Purnia J.M.C.H for medical assistance. The incident has caused distress in the local community.
The incident highlights the growing issue of mental health problems among young people, particularly related to excessive use of mobile phones. It also raises concerns about the lack of awareness and support for mental health issues in rural areas. The authorities need to address these issues and provide necessary counseling and support services to prevent such incidents in the future.
कुमार ने मोबाइल इस्तेमाल करने से मना किया था, लेकिन उसने इसे नजरअंदाज करते हुए जहर खाकर आत्महत्या की कोशिश की। इसके बाद परिजनों ने उसे आनन-फानन में पूर्णिया जीएमसीएच में भर्ती कराया है। दीपक कुमार की स्थिति गंभीर है और घटना शुक्रवार रात्रि को शिशाबाड़ी बैलटोली क्षेत्र में हुई है।