Tragic Death of a Youth in Samastipur

In Samastipur, a young man’s death has shocked his family. The family quietly cremated his body, as they suspect he committed suicide by hanging himself. After his death, the family cremated the body without informing the police.

Allegations of Murder and Violence

The deceased was identified as Rajan Kumar (23), who had returned from his in-laws’ house just two days before. His wife’s family suspects foul play and alleges that her father-in-law murdered him and then cremated the body. The wife’s family also claims that they were subjected to violence upon reaching the scene.

Virality of Assault Video

The incident involving Rajan is connected to the Songar village in the district. Video footage of the assault on the wife’s family members is circulating online. The entire situation has sparked controversy and raised questions about the events leading up to Rajan’s tragic death.

Allegations of Self-Harm and Police Response

The family has stated that the youth took his own life, and there is no objection from the relatives. The police have investigated the matter multiple times and even recorded statements from the deceased’s wife, who did not accuse anyone of foul play. The case remains under scrutiny as the community seeks answers regarding the mysterious circumstances surrounding Rajan’s demise.

समस्तीपुर में एक युवक की आत्महत्या की घटना सामने आई है, जिसके बाद परिवार ने चोरी-छिपे उसका अंतिम संस्कार कर दिया। युवक की पत्नी और परिवार वालों के बीच मारपीट की भी खबर है। यह पूरा मामला ताजपुर थाना से जुड़ा है, जिसमें युवक की पत्नी ने उसके ससुराल वालों पर हत्या का आरोप लगाया है। यह घटना बहुत गंभीर है और पुलिस इस मामले की जांच कर रही है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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