A young man returning home with his wife in Sitamadhi, Bihar, was shot by criminals during a robbery attempt. The incident took place near the Azamgarh flyover in the Dumra police station area of the district. Late on Monday night, the criminals overtook the couple and attempted to rob them of their bike and other belongings. When the man resisted, the criminals stabbed him and then shot him, leaving him injured. The injured man has been admitted to a private nursing home in Sitamadhi, where he is currently undergoing treatment.

According to the police, the incident was reported to the Dumra police station, and they immediately reached the crime scene to investigate the matter. The injured man informed the doctors that he was returning home with his wife and child from his in-laws’ house in Bathnaha Thana Naraha village, and they were heading to their home in Nauvadih at around 11 pm. When they reached Vishwanathpur Laloo Chowk near the Dumra police station, three men on a bike started following them. As they reached the Azamgarh flyover, the criminals overtook them and stopped their bike. When the man resisted their attempt to rob them, they stabbed him.

The injured man further explained that when he struggled with the criminals, they shot him after opening his helmet. The screams of his wife alerted people nearby, who admitted him to a private hospital for treatment. The doctors treating him revealed that a bullet had hit his left hand and penetrated his chest. The bullet has been removed through surgery. He was also stabbed with a knife. Currently, he is out of danger. The injured man has been identified as Neeraj Kumar, son of Yugal Kishore Rai, a resident of Nauvadih village in the Nanpur police station area.

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