Jamshedpur: Youth injured in late night firing at Hotel City Inn
In a shocking incident, a young man was injured in a late night firing at Hotel City Inn in Jamshedpur on Wednesday. The incident took place around midnight, sending panic among the hotel guests and staff. The injured youth was immediately rushed to the hospital for medical treatment, and his condition is said to be stable.
Panic at Hotel City Inn as firing breaks out
Late on Wednesday night, chaos erupted at Hotel City Inn in Jamshedpur as gunshots were heard. The hotel guests and staff were taken by surprise as they heard the sound of gunfire. Panic spread quickly as people tried to find cover and understand what was happening. It was later revealed that a young man had been injured in the firing incident.
Young man rushed to hospital after firing incident
As the chaos ensued at Hotel City Inn, the injured youth was quickly taken to the hospital for medical treatment. The details of the incident are still unclear, and it is not known who fired the shots or what the motive behind the incident was. However, the authorities are investigating the matter and taking necessary action to ensure the safety of the guests and staff at the hotel.
Youth’s condition stable after the incident
Fortunately, the condition of the injured youth is reported to be stable. He is receiving medical treatment at the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery. The incident has raised concerns about the security measures in place at Hotel City Inn and has prompted the authorities to step up efforts to prevent such incidents in the future.
जमशेदपुर के होटल सिटी में बुधवार रात को हुई फायरिंग में एक युवा घायल हो गया है। यह घटना रात के लगभग 11 बजे हुई जब युवक को एक अज्ञात व्यक्ति ने गोली मारी। पुलिस ने घटना स्थल पर तत्परता से जांच की है और आरोपी की शराबी होने की संभावना बताई जा रही है। युवा का स्थिती व्यापक जांच के बाद ही स्थिर होगा।