In a serious incident in Betiya, a young man who was performing stunts on the highway for a reel video got injured. The incident took place in the Innerwa Khamhiya village in the Innerwa police station area. The injured youth has been identified as Sanauallah, the 16-year-old son of Hasim Miyan, a resident of Innerwa Khamhiya village.
According to information received, the young man was filming a video while performing stunts on the Nagardahi Border Security Road ahead of Innerwa village. During this time, he suddenly fell and got seriously injured. He fell so hard that the sole of his right foot came off and he fell unconscious on the road.
His friends who were present at the scene of the incident, filming the stunt video, immediately rushed him to the Innerwa Private Nursing Home for treatment. After initial treatment, the doctors referred him to Betiya for better treatment. The teenager was taken to Betiya by his family, where he is currently undergoing treatment at a private nursing home.
Meanwhile, his family is distraught and in a state of despair. There are various rumors circulating about the incident. The youths who were involved in making the stunt video are also in a panic. The Station House Officer, Prakash Kumar, stated that no information has been received about the case. However, the police are investigating the matter and appropriate action will be taken once the information is obtained.
बेतिया में एक युवक ने हाइवे पर स्टंट करते हुए गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गया है। यह युवक राइडर मैन और फेसबुक पर स्टाइलिस्ट छोकरा के नाम से प्रसिद्ध है। घटना इनरवा थाना क्षेत्र के इनरवा खम्हियां गांव में हुई है और युवक की पहचान हासीम मियां के पुत्र सनाउल्लाह के रूप में हुई है। युवक अपने दोस्तों के साथ वीडियो बना रहा था जब उसका दाहिना पैर उड़ गया और वह बेहोश हो गया। उसे इलाज के लिए बेतिया ले जाया गया है और पुलिस मामले की जांच कर रही है।