In Nalanda, Bihar, a young man was shot dead by criminals while he was on his way to immerse an idol. The incident took place near Kheeru Vigaha village in the jurisdiction of Nagarnausa police station. The victim has been identified as Mantu Kumar, the son of Ramashish Paswan from Dah Vigaha village under Hilsa police station area. Another person, Avadesh Prasad, was also injured in the incident as the criminals attacked him with a knife. The incident caused panic in the area and a crowd gathered.

According to Avadesh Prasad, they were going to immerse the idol of Goddess Lakshmi, which was installed in Kheeru Vigaha village. As they reached near Punjab National Bank, some criminals attacked the procession and first beat them up and then stabbed Mantu Kumar, causing him to be injured. As Mantu Kumar was being pulled out of the car, he was shot in the head, resulting in his death. After committing the crime, the criminals fled while firing in the air. The villagers took Avadesh Prasad to a private clinic for treatment.

The exact reason behind the incident is not clear. It is speculated that there was an ongoing dispute between Kishori Gope and Amirk Gope from Kheeru Vigaha village. Mantu Kumar was a supporter of Amirk Gope. The murder is believed to be related to this rivalry. The Nagarnausa police station in-charge, Narad Muni, informed that the police reached the crime scene upon receiving information about the shooting and took custody of the body for post-mortem. Another person was also injured in the incident due to the knife attack. The family of the deceased has not yet filed a complaint. The police are investigating the case thoroughly.

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