In a tragic incident in Sita Madhi, a young man was stabbed to death in a dispute. The incident took place near Madhuri Yadav College in the Kharka area of the Punaura Thana region. The victim has been identified as Manish Kumar, the 22-year-old son of Dilip Rai, a resident of Gopinathpur in the district. According to relatives, the accused in the case is Purushottam, the son of Umesha Rai from the same village.
The incident occurred when Manish Kumar got into a heated argument with Purushottam over a personal dispute. The argument escalated and turned violent, leading to Purushottam stabbing Manish with a knife. Manish succumbed to his injuries and was declared dead on arrival at the hospital. The police have registered a case and are investigating the matter.
The incident has shocked the local community and the family of the victim. They are demanding justice for Manish’s untimely death and urging the authorities to take strict action against the accused. The incident highlights the need for resolving disputes peacefully and avoiding resorting to violence. The police are working to apprehend Purushottam and ensure that he faces the consequences of his actions.