Delhi’s Public Works Department (PWD) is constructing an underpass and approach roads at the Badli junction on the Outer Ring Road to alleviate traffic congestion. The underpass will provide relief from heavy traffic jams at the Hyderabad-Badli junction and make it easier to reach the Azadpur Mandi. It will also help reduce traffic pressure on the Outer Ring Road. The construction of the underpass and approach roads is expected to be completed within the next 11 months and will be open to the public thereafter.

The project was launched by the PWD in 2022, with the aim of completing it by 26th February next year. However, due to several obstacles, there may be a delay of eight months in the completion of the project. Currently, traffic coming from Rohini Jail Road and Badli has to take a U-turn near the Badli junction to reach Shalimar Bagh. This causes congestion and leads to long traffic jams. The underpass will provide a convenient route for commuters to reach various destinations without getting stuck in traffic jams.

The reckless behavior of people has also led to accidents in the area. Many vehicles coming from Badli and Rohini rush towards Shalimar Bagh and Azadpur Mandi. When there is congestion at the Badli junction, vehicles coming from the Mukarba Chowk flyover also get trapped in the jam. This leads to congestion for several kilometers, and emergency vehicles also struggle to navigate through the traffic. The construction of the underpass is being demanded by the public to address these issues.

The underpass will also provide easy access for patients to reach hospitals in Shalimar Bagh. Currently, there is a private hospital in Shalimar Bagh, and the Delhi government is also building a hospital in the area. Patients coming from Badli and Rohini can easily reach the hospital without facing any traffic jams. The Delhi Police and the Fire Control Room are also located near the hospital, where a large number of employees come every day.

In the future, there are plans to connect the underpass from the Badli junction to the Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar. This will help in reducing noise pollution caused by trucks at the Transport Nagar and Azadpur Mandi. It will also reduce the burden of commercial vehicles on the GT Karnal Road. The construction of the underpass has been welcomed by the local residents.

दिल्ली की बाहरी रिंग रोड पर बादली मोड़ पर ट्रैफिक जाम की समस्या को हल करने के लिए लोक निर्माण विभाग ने 55 करोड़ रुपये की लागत से अंडरपास और एप्रोच रोड का निर्माण किया है। इससे आजादपुर मंडी जाने बच्चे होंगे और बाहरी रिंग रोड पर यातायात का दबाव कम होगा। अंडरपास अगले 11 महीनों में पूरा हो जाएगा और इसे जनता के लिए खोल दिया जाएगा। इसके साथ ही अंडरपास के दोनों ओर एप्रोच रोड का भी निर्माण किया जा रहा है। इस परियोजना का काम 2022 में शुरू किया गया था और अब इसे अगले साल फरवरी तक पूरा किया जाएगा। इससे बादली मोड़ से बादली मोड़ मेट्रो स्टेशन तक रिंग रोड के नीचे से अंडरपास हटाया जा रहा है और इससे बाहरी रिंग रोड पर यातायात को आसानी होगी। इसके अलावा अंडरपास के बनने से शालीमार बाग और आजादपुर मंडी जैसे स्थानों तक जाने के लिए भी लोगों को आसानी होगी। इसके अलावा इस अंडरपास के बनने से मरीजों को अस्पताल पहुंचने में भी आसानी होगी। इसका निर्माण संजय गांधी ट्रांसपोर्ट नगर तक भी जोड़ा जा सकता है और इससे ट्रांसपोर्ट नगर और आजादपुर मंडी के ट्रकों की आवाजाही में सुविधा होगी।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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