Faridabad-Gurugram Metro Rail: A big gift has arrived for Faridabad and Gurugram in the new year, although complete details are yet to be announced. If everything goes well, the metro rail service between the two cities could start at the beginning of the new year. It is hoped that the state government will also focus on the metro rail in its budget.
Faridabad-Gurugram Metro Rail Project:
People have been waiting for this project for the past nine years. In 2014, Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar discussed this metro rail project, and it was officially announced in 2015. However, the budget has not been allocated for this project yet, making it an unfinished matter.
Faridabad-Gurugram Metro Rail Project Details:
According to media reports, the length of the Faridabad-Gurugram Metro Rail route will be approximately 32 kilometers. Under the plan, six metro stations will be built in Faridabad and six in Gurugram. In addition, the government has also completed the survey for the metro rail between Ballabhgarh.
When this metro rail is fully operational, it will boost inter-city business. It will also reduce the number of vehicles and help decrease traffic congestion in the city. Additionally, there is hope to connect the Tughlakabad route with the metro, which will help reduce pollution.
A survey was also conducted to connect Greater Faridabad with the metro rail, which will accelerate the city’s development. All these projects indicate that the people of the city can expect better transportation and witness a new era of development in the new year.
फरीदाबाद-गुरुग्राम मेट्रो रेल परियोजना के बारे में समाचारों के मुताबिक, यह योजना अब तक अधूरी रही है क्योंकि इसके लिए बजट अभी तक आवंटित नहीं किया गया है। इसमें फरीदाबाद-गुरुग्राम के बीच 32 किलोमीटर की लंबाई की मेट्रो रेल रूट होगी और इसमें छह-छह मेट्रो स्टेशन बनाए जाएंगे। इस परियोजना के पूरे होने से अंतर-शहर व्यापार को बढ़ावा मिलेगा और शहर का ट्रैफिक भी कम होगा। इसके अलावा, तुगलकाबाद रूट को भी मेट्रो से जोड़ने की उम्मीद है जिससे प्रदूषण कम करने में मदद मिलेगी। इस साल की शुरुआत में यह परियोजना शुरू हो सकती है और शहर के विकास में नया युग देखने को मिलेगा।