Gurgaon Railway Station, also known as Cyber City Gurgaon Railway Station, is set to undergo a makeover with a budget of INR 295.28 crore allocated by the Ministry of Railways. Under the ‘Umbrella Work’ project, the beauty of the Gurgaon Railway Station in the Delhi Division of the Northern Railway will be enhanced. The budget will cover expenses for utility services (0.66 crore), design (0.31 crore), and furniture. The total cost of the beautification project is estimated to be INR 269.19 crore.
The demand for the beautification of the railway station has been long-standing, and the Railway Minister had announced the project, which has now been initiated. The allocated budget for the beautification of the station has been welcomed by the residents of Gurgaon. The MLA expressed that everyone is working together to advance Gurgaon and that individuals from all walks of life, including locals, migrant workers, CEOs of companies, and government officials, are contributing towards the progress of Gurgaon. Amit Goyal, a member of the Railway Advisory Committee, stated that the railway station will now have world-class amenities.
Overall, the Gurgaon Railway Station is set to undergo a beautification project with a budget of INR 295.28 crore. The funds will be used for utility services, design, and furniture. The long-awaited demand for the beautification of the station has been fulfilled, and the project has been initiated. The MLA and other stakeholders are working together to advance Gurgaon and ensure its progress. The railway station will now boast world-class amenities, contributing to its overall appeal and functionality.
साइबर सिटी गुड़गांव रेलवे स्टेशन की सुंदरता बढ़ाने के लिए रेल मंत्रालय ने 295.28 करोड़ रुपये का बजट जारी किया है। इसमें उपयोगिता सेवाओं, डिजाइन और फर्नीचर पर खर्च होगा। विधायक सुधीर सिंगला ने इस घोषणा की और यह कहा कि गुरुग्राम को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए सब मिलकर काम कर रहे हैं। रेलवे स्टेशन अब विश्वस्तरीय सुविधाओं से लैस होगा।