Noida Rapid Rail Station Where

The Ghaziabad Noida Rapid Rail and Metro will run on the same track from Noida International Airport to Ghaziabad. The route has been finalized for this purpose. By April, the responsibility for NCRTC will be handed over to build 25 metro stations to connect Noida Airport with the Rapid Rail. Later, this number will be increased to 38.

Rapid Rail Station List

From Siddharth Vihar in Ghaziabad to the airport, 25 stations will be built. The number of stations could later be increased to 38. This responsibility has been given to the National Capital Regional Transport Corporation (NCRTC). This will provide direct connectivity to Noida and IGI airports in Delhi. The residents of Greeno West will benefit the most from this, as they have been protesting against the lack of public transportation for a long time.

Non-Stop Flights from Indira Gandhi Airport

Non-stop flights for jewelry will also be operated from Indira Gandhi Airport in Delhi to Jewar Airport. People will be able to reach the airport in 45 minutes at a speed of 140 km without stopping, for which loops will be created.

Station Locations

The route will have a total of 25 stations, with both Rapid Rail and Metro stops at 11 stations and only Metro stops at 14 stations. The stations will be located at various places including Siddharth Vihar, Greater Noida Sector 16, Greater Noida West, Eco Tech 126, and Noida International Airport (GTC).

गाजियाबाद और नोएडा के बीच रैपिड रेल और मेट्रो स्टेशनों के निर्माण की योजना बनाई गई है, जिसमें गाजियाबाद से नोएडा इंटरनेशनल एयरपोर्ट तक 25 स्टेशन बनाए जाएंगे। यह मार्ग ग्रेनो वेस्ट के निवासियों के लिए बड़ी सुविधा होगी और सार्वजनिक परिवहन की समस्याओं को कम करेगी। इस परियोजना के जरिए दिल्ली के इंदिरा गांधी हवाई अड्डे से नोएडा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डे तक नॉन-स्टॉप उड़ानें भी चलाई जाएंगी। इससे ग्रेटर नोएडा और गाजियाबाद के बीच सीधी कनेक्टिविटी मिलेगी। इस परियोजना के माध्यम से दोनों शहरों के लोगों को बहुत सुविधा मिलेगी।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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