Varanasi-Azamgarh Railway Line is a new railway line that connects Azamgarh to the network of Gorakhpur. The engineers have completed the final location survey for this 89 km long railway line. The distance between Varanasi and Azamgarh will be 95 km, with a fare of approximately Rs 50 per passenger.

The project has successfully completed the final location survey after the pre-survey, and it is now progressing towards the Detailed Project Report (DPR). Based on the speed of work by officials and the government’s determination, it is expected that the project will receive a budget of over Rs 1000 crores in the upcoming budget. This project also includes a 34 km railway line between Sathiyaw (Azamgarh) and Doharighat (Maun), which will connect with the existing Doharighat-Sahjanwa (Gorakhpur) railway line at a cost of Rs 1319 crores, benefiting the people of Ballia and Ghazipur.

To connect Roadmapur to Sarai Rani Railway Station, a new 55 km rail line will be laid. The Sarai Rani station is already connected to Azamgarh railway station, which is located eight km away. Similarly, the Audihar station, which is 32 km away from Varanasi City station under the Banaras Mandal of the North Eastern Railway, has already been connected.

Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has expressed his efforts to ensure the completion of this project since winning the elections. He aims to complete the project before the elections. Dinesh Lal Yadav, also known as ‘Nirahua,’ Member of Parliament from Azamgarh, expressed his excitement about connecting Varanasi and Gorakhpur to the railway network, which will establish new dimensions for development in Azamgarh.

S.K. Satyen, Convenor of the Azamgarh Development Struggle Committee, stated that their team has been struggling for two decades to connect Varanasi and Gorakhpur through the railway network, and now their efforts have finally paid off.

आजमगढ़-वाराणसी रेलवे लाइन का फाइनल लोकेशन सर्वे पूरा हो चुका है। इसके बाद यह रेलवे लाइन आजमगढ़ से आगे गोरखपुर के नेटवर्क को जोड़ेगी। इसके लिए इंजीनियरों ने 89 किमी लंबी नई रेलवे लाइन का खाका तैयार कर लिया है। वाराणसी से आजमगढ़ की दूरी 95 किमी होगी और प्रति यात्री किराया करीब 50 रुपये होगा। इस परियोजना को लेकर अधिकारियों की गति और सरकार की इच्छा के चलते इसे 1000 करोड़ रुपये से ज्यादा का बजट मिलेगा। इस परियोजना में दोहरीघाट-सहजनवा रेलवे लाइन भी शामिल है, जो बलिया, गाजीपुर के लोगों के लिए महंगी होगी। इसके साथ ही रोडमैपऔड़िहार को सराय रानी रेलवे स्टेशन से जोड़ने के लिए नई रेल लाइनें बिछाई जाएंगी। रेल मंत्री अश्विनी वैष्णव की इस परियोजना पर काम करने की इच्छा है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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