News Title: Sprayking Share Price 8 May 2024

Despite a downturn in the stock market, many investors have become wealthy. Several shares are rapidly increasing in value despite the market slump. There are many small stocks in the market that have provided investors with substantial returns in a short period of time. One such share has given investors more than 132% return in a year. The share is on a bullish trend, with investors eagerly buying it. The share belongs to Sprayking Limited. Investors investing in this share are making hefty profits.

Sprayking Limited shares have given investors a return of almost 132% in the past year. In April 2020, the share was trading at Rs 1.60. Last Friday, the share closed at Rs 46.89, up more than 2%. These shares have provided investors with fantastic returns. If an investor had not invested in and held onto it this year, they would have received returns of more than 3,000%. Sprayking Limited shares are up 18% this year. The stock has also delivered excellent returns this year. On Wednesday (8 May 2024), the share was trading at Rs 42.9, down 3.16%.

In the December quarter, the company’s net profit decreased by 58% on an annual basis to Rs 0.12 crore. Sales have also declined. The company’s annual sales decreased by 54.27% to Rs 2.41 crore. It is a manufacturer of brass. It was previously known for the distribution of agricultural equipment. Its products include fittings, forging equipment, transformers, etc.

In the last five days, Sprayking Limited shares have given investors a return of more than 33%. In the last month, investors have received a return of around 5%. Over the past six months, the shares are up more than 17%.

Disclaimer: This is News Coverage with Opinions of Experts and Should Not Be Taken as Direct Market Buying Tip. Market is always subject to risk. We recommend taking our content as research before investing.

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