Tata Technologies’ highly anticipated IPO made a strong debut on the BSE-NSE stock exchange on November 30. The company’s shares listed at Rs 1,200, a 140% jump from its issue price of Rs 500, and quickly soared to Rs 1,400 before closing at Rs 1,313. The listing generated bumper returns and exceeded investors’ expectations. Market experts had predicted that Tata Technologies would double investors’ money on the first day itself. Retail investors, in particular, were enticed by the strong listing and anticipated further gains.

Anand Rathi, the head of Basic Research at a brokerage firm, advised holding on to Tata Technologies’ shares, citing the parent company’s strength and promising business model. On the other hand, Choice Broking recommended short-term investors to book profits, considering the significant surge in the share price. Mehta Equities suggested selling half the shares to earn profits while holding on to the remaining shares for the long term. Swastika Investmart advised investors to hold on to the shares for an extended period. Overall, market experts had different opinions on whether to book profits or wait for further gains, with some recommending holding on to the shares for the long term.

Tata Technologies Share Price Information:

1. Tata Technologies’ IPO listing on BSE-NSE at the end of November.
2. The share price of Tata Technologies was listed at INR 1,200, with a 140% jump from the issue price of INR 500.
3. The share price reached a high of INR 1,400 but closed at INR 1,313.
4. Experts predicted a strong performance by Tata Technologies, leading to significant gains for investors.
5. Retail investors were attracted to the IPO, which was oversubscribed nearly 80 times.
6. Analysts recommended holding Tata Technologies shares for the long term due to the company’s strong parent company and business model.
7. Short-term investors were advised to book profits, considering the significant increase in the share price.
8. Some experts suggested selling half of the shares to earn profits while keeping the remaining shares for the long term.
9. Investors who did not get an allocation in the IPO were advised to buy Tata Technologies shares on a dip in the share price.
10. Wealth management firms recommended holding Tata Technologies shares for an extended period.

(Note: The provided information is based on the given news title and may not reflect the current status of Tata Technologies’ share price. It is recommended to refer to reliable financial sources for the latest updates on share prices.)

People Can Find This Information Useful for: Tata Technologies, Share Price, investors, IPO, listing, market, surge, bumper return, profit booking, hold, short-term, long-term, experts, analysts, retail, premium, business model, performance, horse race, buy, sell, Mehta Equities, Swastika Investmart, Choice Broking, hold, Wealth Head, Prashant Thakare, Rajnath Yadav, Anand Rathi, National Stock Exchange, BSE, grey market, premium, market listing, stock exchange, listing price, buying, selling, profit, book, exit, wait, wait for profit, expert opinion, experts’ advice.

Disclaimer: This is News Coverage with Opinions of Experts and Should Not Be Taken as Direct Market Buying Tip. Market is always subject to risk. We recommend taking our content as research before investing.

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