Hot Stocks | पिछले कुछ दिनों से भारतीय शेयर बाजार में काफी कारोबार देखने को मिल रहा है। पिछले हफ्ते शुक्रवार को भारतीय शेयर बाजार तेजी के साथ बंद हुआ था। पिछले हफ्ते शुक्रवार को कुछ ऐसे शेयर थे जिन्होंने अपने निवेशकों को एक ही दिन में 20 फीसदी रिटर्न दिया। इन कंपनियों के शेयर निवेशकों को आगे चलकर तगड़ा रिटर्न दे सकते हैं। आज के इस लेख में, हम उन टॉप 5 शेयरों पर एक नज़र डालने जा रहे हैं जिन्होंने पिछले सप्ताह शुक्रवार को 20% की बढ़त के साथ कारोबार किया था।
1. Mohit Industries (37.27 INR): Mohit Industries’ stock closed at 37.27 INR with a 20% increase on Friday. On Tuesday, the stock was trading at 53.66 INR, showing a 19.99% surge. However, on Wednesday, it witnessed a decline of 8.68% and was trading at 49.0 INR.
2. Pam Jewels (19.64 INR): Pam Jewels’ stock ended at 19.64 INR, marking a 20% gain on Friday. On Tuesday, the stock was trading at 21.95 INR, reflecting a 5.43% increase. However, on Wednesday, it experienced a 4.10% rise and was trading at 21.6 INR.
3. Arvi Labs (158.50 INR): Arvi Labs’ stock closed at 158.50 INR with a 20% surge on Friday. On Tuesday, the stock was trading at 196 INR, showing a 3.04% increase. However, on Wednesday, it witnessed a decline of 3.58% and was trading at 194 INR.
4. Goblin India (55 INR): Goblin India’s stock ended at 55 INR, marking a 20% gain on Friday. On Tuesday, the stock was trading at 66 INR, reflecting a 0.015% increase. However, on Wednesday, it experienced a 2.92% decline and was trading at 63.5 INR.
5. Mahalakshmi Robotics Limited (261.60 INR): Mahalakshmi Robotics Limited’s stock closed at 261.60 INR with a 20% surge on Friday. On Tuesday, the stock was trading at 275.00 INR, showing a 1.97% decline. However, on Wednesday, it witnessed a 1.00% decline and was trading at 262 INR.
These stocks have displayed significant growth potential in the past week, offering investors the opportunity to earn substantial returns. Stay tuned for further updates on these stocks.
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