
In the year 1972, a film named “Zanjeer” hit the silver screens. The film starred Amitabh Bachchan as the main hero, portraying him as the ‘angry young man’. Little did anyone know, a dialogue from this film would resonate in the Haryana Legislative Assembly in 1995. Yes, it was the same dialogue where Amitabh Bachchan, in the role of a police officer, tells Pran Sahab, “This is a police station, not your father’s house”. Something similar happened in the Haryana Legislative Assembly in 1995, when the opposition leader, Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala, said to Chief Minister Bhajan Lal, “This house is not anyone’s inheritance”. Let us delve into the details of this interesting incident.

The “Zanjeer” Dialogue in Haryana Legislative Assembly

On 26th September 1995, Haryana was devastated by a severe flood. All 16 districts of the state were under the wrath of this natural disaster. The flood wreaked havoc across Haryana, with people’s homes submerged and animals killed. The Bhajan Lal Government’s efforts seemed to be washing away with the flood waters. It was during this time that Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala brought up the issue of the devastation caused by the flood in the Legislative Assembly.

Chautala’s Attack on the Government

Chautala, known for his fearless style, spoke continuously for about thirty minutes, presenting a grim picture of the flood’s aftermath. He stated that the flood had damaged 2,21,000 houses and affected a population of 28 lakhs. Thousands of livestock had perished. But when Chief Minister Bhajan Lal interrupted him, Chautala requested the speaker to let him finish. However, Bhajan Lal launched a personal attack on Chautala, saying, “Chautala, you neither have hands nor legs, at least speak properly.”

Chautala’s Retort

Infuriated by Bhajan Lal’s remarks, Chautala retorted, “This house is not anyone’s inheritance. What I have and what I don’t have is not the issue. But in the coming time, you will not have what you have today.” This dialogue of Chautala resonated in the political corridors and is still remembered today.


This incident not only highlights the intensity of political debates in the Haryana Legislative Assembly but also shows the impact of film dialogues in real life. The “Zanjeer” dialogue, which made Amitabh Bachchan a hit, was used effectively by Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala to counterattack Chief Minister Bhajan Lal. The dialogue continues to echo in the political circles, reminding us of that eventful day in the Haryana Legislative Assembly.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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