
In our country India, people are more afraid of the sting of a scorpion than that of a snake. Scorpions come out in droves during the rainy season. Their sting can cause a life-threatening situation. However, very few people know that just like snake venom, scorpion venom can also act as a magic potion to cure many dangerous diseases. This makes the price of a scorpion in the market run into crores of rupees.

Scorpion Venom: A Potentially Life-Saving Asset

Just as the venom of a poisonous snake can be used to treat various ailments, the venom of a scorpion can now make you a millionaire. The venom that causes humans to writhe in pain can now serve as a lifesaver, providing relief. The venom of a scorpion, a dangerous creature found around our homes, is currently selling at a price of 1 million dollars in the international market. A liter of scorpion venom sells for $10,302,700, which is more than 85 crore rupees in Indian currency.

The Benefits of Scorpion Venom

Scorpion venom can now make you a millionaire as soon as it touches your hand. There is a high demand for this venom in the market. Approximately 2 milliliters of venom can be extracted from a single scorpion. It should be noted that apart from making antivenom, scorpion venom is also used to treat diseases like osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and myasthenia gravis. In the lab, its liquid is converted into powder form and sold.

Scorpion Venom: A Priceless Commodity

The price of scorpion venom in the international market is more than 1 million dollars. This reveals the immense potential of this venom and its importance in medical science. It’s not just the venom of snakes that can be beneficial, but also that of scorpions, making these creatures of great value.

In Conclusion

While the sting of a scorpion can be life-threatening, it’s fascinating to know that the venom can be used to treat various ailments. It’s important to remember that these creatures, though dangerous, can also be very beneficial. The high price of scorpion venom in the international market is a testament to its potential in medical science.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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