The UPSC exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams in the world, and passing it is a dream that everyone aspires to achieve. However, only a select few are able to crack this exam.

A Family of Officers in Haryana:
In the state of Haryana, there is a unique family where not just one or two members, but all 11 members are government officers. This family is known as the “Khaan” of government jobs in Haryana. The head of this family is Chaudhary Basant Singh Shyokand, who himself did not receive much education but ensured that his family members were well-educated and became officers.

The Success Story:
Today, all 13 members of his family are serving as officers. It’s not just about education for Chaudhary Basant Singh, but also about maintaining relationships with influential people and officers throughout his life. Unfortunately, Chaudhary Basant Singh bid farewell to this world recently. Out of his 13 family members, 2 are IAS officers, 1 is an IPS officer, and the remaining 11 are Class I officers.

The Journey:
Chaudhary Basant Singh’s family hails from the Dumrav Kala village in Jind district of Haryana. Despite not being highly educated himself, he ensured that all his four sons and three daughters received a good education and became officers. In a time when society was against the education of girls, all three of his daughters graduated. Currently, all four of his sons are Class I officers, one son-in-law is an IAS officer, and one daughter-in-law is an IRS officer. It is worth mentioning that Chaudhary Basant Singh was primarily involved in farming before.

The story of the Shyokand family is truly inspiring. Despite facing numerous challenges, Chaudhary Basant Singh’s determination to provide a better future for his family led to the success of all his children. This family serves as a shining example for others, showing that with hard work, dedication, and the right opportunities, one can achieve great heights, even without a privileged background.

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