
In recent times, vegetable farming has turned into a boon for farmers in Siwan, Bihar. It is significantly transforming their lives, providing them with a stable and profitable income. The farmers of Siwan are gradually shifting from traditional farming to cultivating various types of crops, including green vegetables which yield higher profits in less time.

Vegetable Farming: A Profitable Venture in Siwan

Farmers are making good profits by cultivating seasonal vegetables on limited land. This is why they are now focusing on cash crops instead of traditional farming. Gautam Bhagat and Bharat Kushwaha, two farmers from Siwan, have jointly leased 1.5 bigha land to cultivate different varieties of vegetables. For the past five years, they have been farming together and earning a good income. From their 1.5 bigha field, they produce vegetables worth 7 to 8 lakh annually, becoming an inspiration for other farmers in the region.

Shifting From Traditional to Vegetable Farming

Bharat Kushwaha explains that traditional farming takes more time and yields less profit. With the changing climate, traditional farming has become challenging. Hence, they have started cultivating seasonal vegetables according to the weather. Other farmers are also turning their focus towards cash crops.

Diverse Vegetable Cultivation

Bharat Kushwaha shares that currently, they are cultivating okra, bottle gourd, sponge gourd, ridge gourd, eggplant, radish, spinach, bitter gourd, pointed gourd, Kundru, green chili, tomatoes, coriander, spring onions, cauliflower, and other vegetables. They use both chemical and organic fertilizers for cultivation. At present, they are harvesting more than two quintals of vegetables.

Daily Vegetable Production and Market

Gautam Bhagat reveals that vegetables are produced daily. Traders come to their field and take the vegetables. Currently, their vegetables are being sold in Siwan, Merwa, Titra Mandi, and other markets. Every day, they are able to sell vegetables worth 2 to 3 thousand. At present, they are getting a good rate for their vegetables.

Monthly Earning and Annual Expenditure

They earn around 60 to 70 thousand per month. However, they spend two and a half to three lakh annually on vegetable cultivation and maintenance. Despite this, they manage to sell vegetables worth 7 to 8 lakh annually. However, during the rainy season, the vegetable plants need special care; otherwise, there is a risk of damage.

In conclusion, vegetable farming is proving to be a profitable venture for farmers in Siwan, Bihar. It is not only helping them earn a substantial income but also inspiring other farmers to switch from traditional farming to vegetable farming.

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