Tata Nagar

The South East Railway Zone has appointed 51 RPF inspectors in various stations including Jamshedpur, Tata Nagar, and Adityapur. These inspectors are responsible for ensuring the safety and security of passengers and railway property in the region. The RPF plays a crucial role in preventing crimes and ensuring a smooth operation of railway services.

Training and Responsibilities

The RPF inspectors undergo rigorous training to handle various situations including emergencies, crowd control, and security threats. They are also trained to handle cases of theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities on railway premises. The inspectors work closely with local law enforcement agencies to maintain law and order in and around railway stations.

Technology and Surveillance

The RPF inspectors utilize modern technology and surveillance systems to monitor passenger movements, identify suspicious activities, and prevent any untoward incidents. CCTV cameras, metal detectors, and body scanners are used to enhance the security measures at railway stations. The inspectors are also trained in handling cybercrimes and ensuring the safety of digital transactions.

Community Engagement

Apart from their security duties, the RPF inspectors also engage with the local community to create awareness about railway safety and security measures. They conduct awareness programs, workshops, and campaigns to educate passengers about the importance of following rules and regulations while traveling on trains. The inspectors work towards building a safe and secure environment for all passengers and railway staff.

जमशेदपुर एक उद्योगी और व्यापारिक नगर है जो झारखंड राज्य में स्थित है। यहाँ स्थित टाटानगर और आदित्यपुर सहित दक्षिण पूर्व रेलवे जोन के 51 आरपीएफ इंस्पेक्टर का मुख्यालय है। यह नगर भारतीय रेलवे के महत्वपूर्ण केंद्रों में से एक है और इसका महत्व देश भर में मान्य है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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