Positive Energy in the Home

It is said that the energy of our home is influenced by the items we keep in it. While it is advised not to keep negative items in the house, many people tend to hold on to old items instead of discarding them, which can have negative consequences. Keeping certain items in the house can lead to financial difficulties in the long run.

Avoid Negative Energy

Keeping certain items in the house can also attract negative energy and create difficulties for the residents. Astrologers warn against keeping certain items in the house, such as old clocks, which can bring misfortune to the family. It is believed that storing old and broken items in the house can lead to a decrease in positive energy.

Avoid Financial Loss

Astrologers caution against keeping old clocks in the house, as it can lead to financial loss and create an environment of tension. Negative energy in the house can prevent growth and development, leading to financial difficulties. It is advised to remove any items that may be attracting negative energy and causing financial instability in the home.

गुलशन कश्यप/जमुई के अनुसार, घर में बंद घड़ी रखने से नकारात्मकता का वास होता है और यह धन का भी नाश कर सकता है. ज्योतिषाचार्यों के अनुसार, घर में बंद घड़ी रखने से पॉजिटिव एनर्जी कम होने लगती है और नेगेटिव एनर्जी का संचार होता है, जिससे घर में तनाव का माहौल उत्पन्न होता है. इसलिए, अगर आपके घर में बंद घड़ी है, तो उसे निकालकर फेंक देना चाहिए।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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