IIT JEE Success Tips by Umesh Jakhar

Preparing for the IIT JEE Main and Advanced exams requires dedication and hard work. Being one of the toughest exams in the country, cracking it requires effective planning and study strategies. While the JEE Main 2024 has already concluded, the JEE Advanced exam is scheduled for May 26. In the midst of this, a former student of IIT Kharagpur, Umesh Jakhar, has shared some essential tips based on his experience to pass the JEE exam.

Experiences Shared on LinkedIn

Umesh Jakhar recently shared posts on his LinkedIn page related to cracking the JEE exam and his experiences at IIT. In one post, he mentioned that cracking IIT is tough, but becoming an IITian is even tougher. Each semester is four months long, with the period being the fastest pace of time. Setting daily routines after each semester break and being familiar with the new semester schedule is a very exhausting task in itself. Until you adjust yourself, professors will announce the first class test.

Six Tips by IITian Umesh Jakhar to Crack JEE

1-Short-term goals lead to long-term success, focus on daily goals and concentrate on achieving them. 2-Divide your daily routine into multiple sessions for effective studying. 3-Organize your ergonomics for a productive learning process. 4-Read from books instead of online to avoid distractions. 5-Seek help from seniors whenever needed. 6-Prioritize your studies but also engage in recreational activities and take breaks.

आईआईटी प्रवेश परीक्षा जेईई मेन्स और एडवांस्ड की तैयारी के लिए समर्पण और कड़ी मेहनत की जरूरत होती है। जेईई मेन 2024 संपन्न हो चुकी है और जेईई एडवांस्ड परीक्षा 26 मई को होनी है। आईआईटी खड़गपुर के पूर्व छात्र उमेश जाखड़ ने अपने अनुभव के आधार पर कुछ महत्वपूर्ण टिप्स दिए हैं, जैसे कि अल्पकालिक लक्ष्य दीर्घकालिक सफलता की ओर ले जाते हैं और अपनी पढ़ाई को प्राथमिकता दें लेकिन मनोरंजक गतिविधियों में भी शामिल हों। उन्होंने छह टिप्स दिए, जिन्हें अपनाकर जेईई परीक्षा क्रैक करने की संभावनाएं बढ़ा सकते हैं।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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