Jharkhand Weather Update

The weather in Jharkhand, including the capital, has bid adieu to the cold. The days are getting hot with maximum temperatures reaching around 35.0 degrees Celsius. Jamshedpur recorded a maximum temperature of 34.6 and a minimum of 18.8 degrees Celsius in the last 24 hours. Most districts in the state have crossed the 30.0 degrees Celsius mark, with Ranchi at 30.1 and Medininagar at 33.1 degrees Celsius.

Weather Forecast

The northern parts of Jharkhand are expected to have partly cloudy skies on Wednesday and Thursday, with chances of light rain in some areas. The weather department reported light rain in eastern Singhbhum, including the capital, on February 23. Despite changes in the weather, there will not be much variation in temperatures, with only a slight decrease in minimum temperatures by two to three degrees. Maximum temperatures are not expected to change much despite the rain.

District Temperatures

Here are the maximum and minimum temperatures recorded in various districts of Jharkhand: Ranchi ★30.1 and 18.0, Jamshedpur ★34.6 and 18.6, Medininagar ★33.4 and 16.0, Bokaro ★31.5 and 17.4, Chatra ★30.4 and 14.9, Garhwa ★31.6 and 15.2, Devghar ★32.8 and 16.3, Sahibganj ★29.1 and 12.7.

Upcoming Weather

With only a few days left in the month of February, the sun is moving towards the northern hemisphere, resulting in intense heat during the day. The maximum temperatures in Jharkhand, including the capital, are continuously rising and are expected to increase further in the coming days. ★Abhishek Anand, Scientist, Weather Department, Ranchi.

झारखंड में ठंड की विदायी हो गयी है और धूप में गर्मी बढ़ रही है। मौसम विभाग के अनुसार आने वाले दिनों में कोई बड़ा परिवर्तन नहीं होगा, लेकिन बारिश की संभावना है। जिलों के तापमान में भी आसानी से बदलाव हो सकता है। फरवरी में राजधानी समेत झारखंड में तापमान बढ़ रहा है, और दिन में धूप की अधिकता है।

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