Samrat Choudhary Targets Nitish Kumar, Claims JDU Workers Know the Truth

Bihar Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Samrat Choudhary has once again attacked Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. In a video released on Wednesday, Choudhary accused Kumar of cheating JDU workers and claimed that his political career will come to an end in 2024-25. Choudhary sarcastically remarked that Kumar takes credit for any good work done and blames others for the rest.

Nitish Ji Did the Work of Cheating: Samrat

In the video, Choudhary accused Nitish Kumar of continuously cheating JDU workers for the past 27-28 years. He alleged that Kumar, as the national president, keeps the workers in the dark about ticket distributions. Choudhary dismissed Kumar’s recent claim that tickets will be distributed based on block presidents, calling it a complete lie. He accused Kumar of being a master of deceit and wanting to hold onto power by spreading falsehoods.

JDU Workers Have Known the Truth: Samrat Choudhary

Choudhary further stated that no one in the party, including Sharad Yadav or RCP Singh, has any real power. However, whenever something goes wrong, they are blamed, while Kumar takes credit for any positive developments. Choudhary claimed that JDU workers have realized this and believe that Kumar’s political career will be completely finished by 2024-25.

News Summary:

  • Bihar BJP President Samrat Choudhary has released a video attacking Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
  • Choudhary accused Kumar of cheating JDU workers and claimed his political career will end in 2024-25.
  • He dismissed Kumar’s claim of distributing tickets based on block presidents as a lie.
  • Choudhary stated that JDU workers have realized Kumar’s deceitful tactics and believe his political status will be lost.

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