Unique Case of Quintuplets in Kishanganj, Bihar

A woman named Tahira Alam from Kishanganj district of Bihar has given birth to quintuplets, which is a rare occurrence. Typically, a woman gives birth to 1, 2, or 3 children at a time, but Tahira Alam has given birth to 5 daughters at once. This has created a buzz among her family members and the entire community in Pothia block of Kishanganj district. The woman already has a son from a previous birth.

A Challenging Delivery and a Story of Courage

After finding out that she was pregnant with five babies, Tahira Alam was initially scared. However, with the support and guidance of doctors Farzana Nuri and Farhana Nuri from Raja Nursing Home, she underwent a successful normal delivery. The doctors reassured Tahira and helped her through the process, ensuring the health of both the mother and her quintuplets. The delivery was a challenging case for the doctors, but with technical expertise and careful planning, they were able to ensure a safe delivery.

Celebrating the Health of the Mother and Quintuplets

Thanks to the efforts of the medical team at Raja Nursing Home, Tahira Alam and her five daughters are healthy and doing well. The doctors consider this case to be a significant achievement and commend the courage and strength shown by Tahira throughout the process. The community is celebrating the arrival of the quintuplets, and Tahira and her family have received congratulations and best wishes for the future. The unique case of quintuplets in Kishanganj has brought joy and positivity to the region.

बिहार के किशनगंज जिले में ताहिरा आलम नामक महिला ने एक साथ पांच बच्चियों को जन्म दिया है, जिसे डॉक्टर ने सफलतापूर्वक डिलीवरी की. इस अनोखे मामले की जानकारी बिहार के पोठिया प्रखंड के रजा नर्सिंग होम से मिली है. डॉक्टरों ने महिला की स्वास्थ्य देख रखी है और उनके बच्चे स्वस्थ हैं। महिला और उनके परिवार को बधाई दी जा रही है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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