Industrial Hub in Delhi: Good news for the people of Delhi. Approval has been granted to establish a major industrial hub in Delhi. Deputy Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena has given approval for the construction of an industrial area in Rani Khera in North West Delhi. Industries will be set up on 147 acres of land. Officials of the Raj Niwas made this announcement on Monday. The land was previously transferred from Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (DSIIDC) to Delhi Development Authority (DDA).

DSIIDC had initially planned to create a multi-level manufacturing hub on this land. However, on December 14th, the National Green Tribunal imposed a ban on it. On July 31st, 2023, the Supreme Court cancelled the NGT’s order. After the legal obstacles were removed, the Industrial Department of the Delhi government requested approval from Deputy Governor V.K. Saxena to develop Rani Khera as an industrial zone on January 3rd. The approval has now been granted. Three months ago, the Deputy Governor approved the acquisition of 55.20 acres of land for the Bawana Industrial Area. Similarly, 920 acres of land were approved for the development of the Kanjhawala Industrial Area in May 2023.

Industrial Sectors to be Associated with the Hub…
Prior to this, the Delhi government had stated that the industrial center in Rani Khera would involve industries related to research and innovation, biotechnology, IT, ITES, and media. There are also plans to create an integrated park. A notable feature is that the industries being established in Rani Khera will be pollution-free. It is being said that the government will prioritize industries in sectors that do not contribute to pollution. It is evident that the establishment of an industrial hub in Delhi will increase employment opportunities and enhance Delhi’s identity in the world.

The government will also provide land at affordable rates to companies investing in industries in Rani Khera, Delhi. Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had already given instructions to develop an industrial hub within the time limit. Now, with the approval from the Deputy Governor, work on the industrial hub will begin soon.

दिल्लीवालों के लिए एक अच्छी खबर है कि अब दिल्ली में उद्योग से जुड़ी बड़ी इंडस्ट्री लगाने की मंजूरी मिल गई है। उप राज्यपाल विनय कुमार सक्सेना ने उत्तर पश्चिमी दिल्ली के रानी खेड़ा में एक औद्योगिक क्षेत्र के निर्माण को मंजूरी दे दी है। राजनिवास के अधिकारियों ने सोमवार को इसकी घोषणा की। डीएसआईआईडीसी ने पहले इस जमीन पर मल्टी लेवल मैन्युफैक्चरिंग हब बनाने की योजना बनाई थी, लेकिन नेशनल ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल के आदेश के बाद इस पर रोक लग गई थी। अब कानूनी बाधाओं के दूर होने के बाद दिल्ली सरकार ने रानी खेड़ा को औद्योगिक क्षेत्र के रूप में विकसित करने की मंजूरी मांगी थी। जमीन पर बनने वाले उद्योग प्रदूषण मुक्त होंगे और इससे रोजगार के अवसर भी बढ़ेंगे। सरकार दिल्ली के रानी खेड़ा में उद्योग लगाने वाली कंपनियों को रियायती दरों पर जमीन भी उपलब्ध कराएगी।

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